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10 Innovative Ideas To Sell Your Disposable Party Tableware Instantly

Behind every great and memorable party, is a diligent host. From disposable party tableware to  balloons and party poppers, the ideal host plans everything painstakingly to ensure that the party is nothing but a resounding success.

Nowadays, themed parties have become the trend. Anyone may get the party supplies of their choice by scouring the internet or inquiring from their local partyware distributors.

But these themed party supplies are expensive compared to the usual ones, which may be a bummer for those who are already on a budget.

Luckily, as a party supplies retailer, you don’t have to see customers not getting what they want. While they may not find the partyware appealing to their taste, they can always DIY (do-it-yourself). It may seem like a hassle at first, but it is worth it.

We’ll show you how you can create displays of DIY partyware like disposable plates, party cups, balloons, and more at your store, which will not only captivate the customers but also encourage them to buy whichever party supplies you currently sell.

Not only is this a great way to market your products, but it’s also an ingenious trick to increase foot-traffic in your store.

  1. Go Floral

Flower motifs have outlasted the 90’s and are pretty versatile. Of course, they can be incorporated into your party dinnerware. 

Pick a theme like pink chrysanthemums or daisies. Next, make a striking setup with a table, some chairs, and a tablecloth displaying plastic plates, bowls, or plastic tumblers adorned with flowers.

 Paste them along the borders or try to make a pattern that looks creative enough. Here, you could ask your staff members to participate

2. DIY Cake Stands 

Cake stands always add to the decor. You can make your own with the products at your disposal, and save your customers a fortune on expensive party supplies! 

For a DIY cake stand, you can use superglue to attach a plastic cup to the bottom of a plastic plate. If you want to go more creative, add some flower motifs to the border of the plate. 

  1. Candy covered drink stirrers

DIY cocktail stirrers are a charming touch to any gathering. These are ridiculously simple to make: Simply arrange sweets on a bamboo skewer. Here, you can use decorative bulk candy and place it in plastic cups or glasses.

Follow the colour-code when choosing the candy to match the party theme. Add paper straws or coloured plastic straws to complete the customised drink look.

  1. Chocolate spoons

This one is going to be a head turner! Add two different hues of melted chocolate to the plastic spoon and swirl them together with a stick for a marbled effect. 

To fit in with the floral motif, you can top the spoons with an edible candy. These can be served with coffee or dessert, or placed in a container as a take-home treat.

  1. Edible Paint

When going creative with disposable party tableware, there’s no limit. This method doesn’t take a lot of time (or materials). You can use some sugar, water and a few drops of food colouring to make edible paint.

Paint some names on different plates. This makes for an excellent place setting and amplifies the party’s aesthetic without doing a lot of work. 

You can do this on plain paper plates for the designs to stand out. 

  1. Elegant Paper Basket

Just paper plates, cups and cutlery may not be enough for a party, but no one has to settle for less. Get a plastic bowl or cut a plastic plate into shape, hot glueing the corners together. 

Use flowers, triangles, sparkles, or any other decorations on the corners to give a subtle look to the basket. Here, you can add some candies, chewables, or mints. 

If that appeals to you, you may allow your customers to eat the candies as they visit the store.

  1. Stamped Serviettes

Serviettes are one of the most important party supplies that should not be missed. But many customers may forget this easily. 

Show them how your serviettes are also of the best quality when it comes to your products. 

Serviettes don’t have to be boring. – get an inexpensive stamp in any shape and print a pattern on some serviettes. 

Go for an all-over pattern or add a single, larger stamp in the corner of each serviette, like a monogram. 

Wait till the design adds up and it looks like a vivid party theme.

  1. Funky party cups

Solo red cups and other party cups are the must-haves for informal parties and celebrations, but they aren’t limited to them. We’ll show you how.

Just like plates, cutlery, and serviettes, you can also incorporate your theme with party cups. Get some temporary tattoos, stickers, or shapes to paste on the cups and give them a themed appearance.

  1. Bedecked balloons – 

Balloon decorations add a felicitous touch to the party, so why not customize them to amp up the fun? Cut out some shapes or letters to paste on the balloons. 

This must match the overall theme you’re going for. Steer clear of too flashy colours if the overall theme displays pastel hues.

  1. Other Party Backdrops – 

Deploy other festive decorations at your disposal to add charm to your store’s party setup. Result? an eye-catching marketing prop that brings customers in and invites more inquiries.  

Here’s another idea: make a pyramid out of plastic tumblers or plastic shot glasses. It would hardly take two minutes or more to make one.


There’s so much you can do with disposable party tableware – whatever you do, just make sure it adds to your store’s surroundings, instead of coming off as unnecessary or standoffish.

All in all, disposable dinnerware doesn’t have to be stashed in your aisle. Let it sell itself with an appealing display – and you’re good to go.

These ideas may come off as oriented towards the customers. But when the retailers know what to do with the products first and demonstrate the same to their buyers, it’s when sales are made.

And, if you’re worried this activity will be dreaded by your employees, don’t worry. It will be a break from the usually tiresome operations, while getting them to interact with each other. This will inherently motivate teamwork and make your working culture more amicable. 

Moreover, you could use some talent of your employees having a creative flair, while getting to know them better as a person. 

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