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Retail Guide: Top 5 Best-Selling Wholesale Products For Your Store

Getting the store “swarmed” by customers is every retailer’s dream. The ding of the cashier bell after every minute or two is like music to the ears, and no retailer would want it any other way. 

So, what actually draws buyers to your store? Is it the thoughtful marketing you and your team have been working on for weeks? Or are your competitors closing shop? It could also be the discounts you decided to graciously offer during the holiday season. 

But every reason aside, it is the wholesale products that increase the foot traffic in your outlet. The type of products you stock speaks volumes about your integrity, dedication, and understanding of your customers’ concerns. 

If you possess special knowledge about products and want to pass it on to a new, or rather puzzled customer, you’re in luck. 

Best-Selling Products 

Every retailer has a niche of products that they stick with, so it’s natural that these recommendations may or may not apply to all of them. 

However, we’ve tried to keep the categories as generic as possible so that you can easily incorporate them into the collection you already offer. 

Trends are often oriented towards making lives convenient and fulfilling. Trends shape our lifestyles, and they also bring a shift in customer preferences. This shapes customers’ needs and creates a demand for certain products in the market.

You can use this scenario to your advantage by stocking only those products that are actually bought, and not those that can be bought.

 Every category of products has a “superstar” that customers go after, often without foregoing their original budget. For example, in confectionery, Whittaker’s chocolate is a highly sought after brand in New Zealand. 

Here are some best-selling picks that will keep customers coming back for more: 

  1. Car charger

Car chargers are one of the most convenient and inexpensive products that are in high demand. These come in a few varieties, like microUSB chargers, Type C chargers, and more. 

No matter if you have a generic grocery store or a full-fledged mobile accessories outlet, you can never go wrong with stocking car chargers. 

  1. Pet food – 

Pet food has a steadily growing global market, and pet owners are more conscious of the quality fed to their furry companions. 

They are ready to pay a good price for authentic pet food that keeps their pets healthy. For a generic grocery retail store, bulk pet food online makes for a great collection too. 

You can stock the best brands selling in NZ like Fussy cat, Nature’s gift, and more. Include dog and cat treats, as well as some pet toys, to give your customers more options.

  1. Baby products and unique baby shower gifts –      

Baby products are next to necessities, and can get you extra revenue at your store. Consider stocking daily use products like baby powder, baby wipes, baby bottles, baby teether, baby oil, baby food, toys, etc. Find a baby product wholesale supplier who sells these products at bulk prices.                                                                                                                                                           

  1. Health & wellness – 

Self-care isn’t just a trend; it’s a lifestyle, and you can cater to it effortlessly. Stock up common-use products like sunscreen,wholesale tampons, eyebrow tweezers, mouthwash, moisturiser, toothpastes, and other hygiene paraphernalia. 

Consider high-quality options that enable you to upsell depending on the situation.

  1. Kitchen materials – 

Households are incomplete without cereals, spices, snacks, and other munchies. Stock up on the best brands in these categories that are highly demanded by your customers. 

Beef jerky,bags of chips, aluminium foil, cadbury chocolate, muffin pans, trays, bamboo sticks, and many other items you can choose from. 

  1. Party supplies – 

Though festive days are the best time to sell out partyware, who says it won’t sell all year round? Be ready to help your customers with their celebratory pursuits with disposable party tableware. Pick solo red cups, paper plates, plastic bowls and cutlery, and straws. Also, don’t forget to add serviettes to your collection. 

Products in high demand to sell

The product ideas presented above can help you get started, but it is critical that you carefully select the goods that will be most beneficial to your business. The following suggestions may be useful: 

Concentrate on profitable products 

If your profit margins are low, you’ll need to sell a lot of merchandise to break even. Look for “cream of the crop” products that can be sold at a high profit margin so that you can cover costs such as returns and reviewing samples.

Consider the volume of searches

While best-selling items may produce a high volume of internet queries, ranking for such terms in search engines is difficult. You could be more successful with things that are still popular but have low competition for keywords.

Concentrate on a certain industry 

It may be tempting to carry a wide range of items from several businesses, but this might result in a disorderly store. Instead, concentrate on a particular product category that you can advertise to a certain demographic.

Diversify your sales channels 

You may base your sales on your e-commerce business website, but experimenting with other online marketplaces might be beneficial. Amazon, eBay, and even social media platforms may assist you in selling online and reaching a larger audience.

Conduct extensive research

If you offer top trending products, you must keep up with such items.Here, TikTok and Instagram may provide insight into new and growing trends, allowing you to discover what’s hot and what might be the next great thing you’ll want to stock.

Prioritise quality

When acquiring your products, search for high-quality materials from reliable suppliers. Selling exceptional products will not only reduce your return rate, but also promote repeat sales and improve your overall reputation as a retailer.

Determine your store’s distinct selling point (USP)

Consider what makes your shop special, whether it’s an unrivalled devotion to customer service, an eye for all the newest trends before they’re available elsewhere, or something else. You may use your USP to help define your brand and focus on goods that are a good fit for that brand.

Consider upselling 

Look for possibilities to upsell additional things when you pick your products. When a consumer adds one of your hair care items to their cart, you may suggest they buy a hairbrush. These upselling options might help you enhance your profit on every transaction.

Be consistent with your marketing 

While popular items will help bring in new customers, marketing will be necessary to help drive those sales. Amplifying your social media and email marketing may significantly help bring fresh visitors to your website, allowing more buyers to view your products.


So, this was our take on the best-selling wholesale products. Besides groceries, there are many other daily-use products in categories like clothing, beauty, health and wellness, and others that can be sold at your store.

If you’re wondering where you can source any of these products from, we’ve got you covered. At Stock4Shops, we maintain a readily available stock of top-selling groceries, batteries and cables, baby products, party supplies, bulk cleaning products, kitchen essentials, and many other items that will fly off your shelves. 

Based in Auckland, we cater to retailers operating anywhere within New Zealand. With free delivery on orders above $300 and fast shipping, you are welcome to avail yourself of the benefits we provide. 

Discover our selection of products, or contact us for a custom order of products.

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