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How To Pick The Right Bulk Pet Food For Your Store

Pets have different requirements throughout their lives, which must be addressed appropriately. Be it medical attention, comfort, or food, pet owners are dedicated to making their tailed besties feel at home.

When it comes to bulk pet food, nutrition might be the last thing that pets care about, but it’s a top priority for their owners. They have become more conscious of food options & their nutritional specifications. 

But picking the right brand could be daunting – as they are put in a situation to choose from the most extensive selection of pet food brands ever. This makes them all the more confused. 

But here’s how you can step in and make things easier for them as a pet food distributor. Retailers who keep up with pet food trends might benefit from stocking the correct foods, which can range from all-natural and organic to raw and refrigerated foods.

So, in order to understand how to select food best suited for pets, let’s first understand what your customers want from you. 

An Overview Of Your Customers

Here’s an idea of what typical pet owners are like, and what they seek while shopping from you. You must be prepared with ingenious responses while assisting them to buy the product that is best suited to their 

  • They’re prepared to spend a fortune for high-quality items that guarantee results;
  • They inquire and read labels. Ingredients are more important to them today than ever before.
  • They’re concerned about product safety and reliant on corporate reputations. It is vital to gain and keep their trust.
  • They’re quite resourceful and obtain information from a number of sources. Certainly, their retail experience is important, as is what your product label communicates.
  • They may be influenced by vets, breeders, and shelters, but word of mouth from friends, relatives, and total strangers affects their perception too. You may be wondering if there is someone else affecting their decision. Yes, it’s the internet. 

While today’s pet food consumers seek information from specific brand and retailer websites, a study reveals that they are still somewhat sceptical of what a brand’s website says and place greater value on what they see online in blogs, message boards, and customer reviews. 

Pet parents do, in fact, trust other pet parents; 70% of consumers polled claimed they trust their peers more than a brand when it comes to pet food.

Picking The Right Pet Food 

Check the ingredients – 

It is critical to read and comprehend the ingredient list for every item. Once you’ve determined that a product is “complete,” flip the packaging over and double-check the contents.

A protein source or two should be included first for cats and dogs. A meal (such as chicken, beef, or fish) is frequently included first or second on the ingredient list in a high-quality food mix.

 A meal, in this context, refers to a protein that has already been processed and dried. A full, unprocessed protein, such as deboned chicken, may be placed first or second.

Note: Always remember while selecting wholesale cat food that it should be grain-free and must not include traces of milk. 

Also, if you wish to skip extra vitamins, it is acceptable to do so. The main requirement in pet food is carbohydrates and proteins.

For herbivore pets, make sure alfalfa or hay with a high fibre content is mentioned first, as healthy fibres should make up the majority of their diet.

Be mindful of serving size 

It’s tempting to just buy the biggest bag of bulk pet food you can find to save on errands. However, rather than comparing the overall package weight, it is crucial to compare the serving size of different items.

A smaller serving size suggests that the food is nutritious and high in healthy calories. Just be sure of the serving sizes that your owners ask for while shopping for their pets. This means that a smaller bag of food will likely last longer, and you will not be stuck with extra inventory.

Consider your customer’s (pet’s) needs 

Most meals are designed for different phases of animal life (baby, adult, and senior). Although the food’s contents may not vary, the nutritional balance has been designed to enable pets to live the best life possible at that moment. 

Senior dog food, for example, will contain glucosamine for joint health, whilst puppy formula would be high in protein to help with growth. This will help you procure and recommend the right bulk dog food online to your customers.

Animals that are more active will require more food. For particularly active dogs, this may imply choosing a meal with higher protein content. Ask your customers to keep a close eye on their animals when they change their diets to make sure the change goes smoothly.

Note: Make sure to not engage in negative selling with other brands. Negative selling techniques will only get your customers confused by the contradictory statements, and they will not trust good brands like before.

Don’t Miss Out On Treats

As much as bulk dog food online is indispensable for your pet food retail business, treats are also in demand by pet owners.

Treats are an effective technique for training animals and promoting positive behaviour. Just make sure the treats you buy are of the same excellent quality as the food that customers buy from you. 

Did you know that one ounce of cheese for a 20-pound dog is the calorie equivalent of 112 chocolate bars for a person? It’s true. Treats can be helpful, but they shouldn’t be used as a replacement for a healthy diet.

Hence, after you’ve picked the treats, don’t forget to ask your buyers to stick to small quantities for feeding their pets. 

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right bulk pet food for your store can be a hassle, but we’ll make it simpler for you. We can gladly assist you in selecting the finest food for pets at reasonable prices to keep them and their owners happy!

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