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How To Market Your Personal Hygiene Products Successfully

Personal Hygiene Products

Personal wellness is an important aspect of our lives, and it must not be compromised. From toothpaste to combs, we pretty much start and end the day with personal hygiene products. After all, they help us keep pace with our lifestyle and ward off diseases. 

The personal care industry is booming, and with the rising population, it is only expected to grow. As per Statista, the revenue of personal care in New Zealand itself is expected to experience an annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027) of 11.60%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$304,600.00k by 2027. 

This figure is not only a projection of increased consumer demand, but also an opportunity for retailers to use it to their advantage. 

Marketing Personal Hygiene Products The Right Way

So, coming to the main point that this article is supposed to emphasise. 

Well, marketing may not be the first thought when selling daily-use products like toothpicks, Gillette wholesale razors, or hand-sanitizers. But once you start with it, your customers will begin developing a preference for your range of products over those of your competitors. This is bound to enhance your revenue in the long run. 

The best part about personal care products is that they are not seasonal and sell all year. By instilling a sense of necessity in your customers, you can drive foot traffic to your store while generating sales simultaneously.

  1. Bundle ‘em up – 

Bundles are two or more products combined that cost less than what they could have cost if bought separately. If you have idle inventory lying around in your store, this is the way to get rid of it. 

Customers appreciate value, and if you provide them with bundles, they will end up considering them, often ignoring the fact that they need them at the moment or not. 

Bundles create a sense of more value, and they surely don’t go unnoticed – they feel like a good bargain and hence make up for the sales you want to achieve. 

Make bundles or assorted baskets of similar products, like combs, shampoos, and conditioners. Try to go a little creative with the display. Here, you can make your own themes. 

Also, don’t forget to announce your offers on social media, which will drive more foot traffic to the store. 

  1. Consider cross-selling and upselling – 

Times have changed, and people have become more conscious of their choices. For every advancement in quality, they are willing to pay a better price. You can match their expectations here with the concept of cross-selling and upselling.

Selling a similar cleaning product or service instead of or in addition to the original service is known as cross-selling.

For example, if a customer wants a deodorant brand like Africa lynx wholesale, you can also offer hair gel, or other grooming products.

Upselling means increasing the level, quality, or value of the product in exchange for a higher price. Customers who prioritize quality would be the perfect target here. 

Just remember to train your staff accordingly, and to mentor them as to how and when they can cross-sell or upsell at an appropriate time. Failing to do so would make you look pushy or too persuasive.

  1. Develop your brand persona – 

Curating self-care items like toothpicks, impulse deodorant, and personal hygiene products like clearblue pregnancy and condoms  seems like a generic business, but it doesn’t have to be. 

With clever brand recall, you can make your store a one-stop shop for all your customers’ needs.

Makeup products retailer Sephora can be an apt example of this. It is not only a hailed brand but a highly preferred beauty destination for makeup enthusiasts. 

You can make the most of your branding by analyzing your target audience and creating a relevant brand persona that appeals to them. 

Maintain consistency with your branding and incorporate the logo, brand colours, and relevant imagery on your signage, website, Facebook page, and other marketing campaigns to establish a unique brand identity.

  1. Get Local Listings 

Essentially, local listings in Google My Business or other directories that people in your area look for can help you attract more customers and expand your reach. It is an excellent branding strategy that might increase visibility in your suburb or city.

When consumers search for “condoms nz” in, say, ‘Auckland,’ your store may show up near the top of the results.                                                                                             

You may also include relevant keywords, such as ‘best deodorant’ to optimise your local listing. 

In this manner, you may encourage people to explore for additional information while also increasing traffic to your website.

 Finally, a local listing may increase brand awareness and help potential clients in your area become acquainted with your brand.

When a business appears in a search, it increases its reputation and makes more people aware of the services it provides.

  1. Put your testimonials to work 

Have you ever received good reviews from your customers, either verbally or in writing? Positive words are indeed reminders that your hard work is paying off.

But did you know that those 5 star-ratings can actually uplift your business? We all shop after trusting the reviews of people who have bought from a business before – whether online or offline.

Hence, testimonials contribute to the credibility of your brand and can bring in more sales in the long run.

Dedicate a small, soft board for your customers to write reviews for you. Pick the best ones and feature them on your website, your social media platforms, or even on paper bags. 


So, this was about marketing your personal care and hygiene products at your store. Many products come with great utility, but some of them may not come in very appealing packaging, making them seem difficult to promote (and that’s okay!). With these effective strategies, you can not only encourage your customers to buy but also make yourself recognized as more than a retailer.

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